Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Endings and Beggings

Well, I just wrote a couple of paragraphs about 15 minutes ago, but they must have gotten deleted somehow.
It is bittersweet to now be done w/ WSU. (Well, almost; I have to take a Biochem final that happened to be on the same day Izabela was born). Oh yeah, Izabela was born. Everything went well, and our family is now up to 4.
Zyon is great, and loves Shrek. He loves the outdoors, and working in the yard w/ his Grandpas.
I got A's in my Physics II and English classes.

So, I will miss WSU. I had a lot of formative and life altering experiences and exchanges there. (Kind of funny that "formative" things are happening to me so late in life!) But I am excited to learn the medical skills that will allow me to help others. I am so fortunate and blessed, and hope to be able to pass it on to others.

2.5 months, and we will be braving the scorching desert known as Arizona. It is a scary and exciting time, and it will be fun to see where life takes us.

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